K.P.D. Alerts Motorists to Road Construction and New Traffic Patterns
KINGSPORT – The Kingsport Police Department wishes to alert area motorists of multiple areas of road construction resulting in new traffic patterns throughout the City of Kingsport.‚ Drivers are urged to familiarize themselves with these new traffic patterns and exercise patience and courtesy as other motorists do likewise.‚ Furthermore, motorists are warned to exercise due caution during these periods of road construction and even consider an alternate route whenever it would be feasible to do so.
Clinchfield Street: This first area of road construction was completed approximately one week ago.‚ The stretch of Clinchfield Street between West Stone Drive and West Center Street has been reduced from two motor vehicle traffic lanes in each direction to a single motor vehicle traffic lanes in each direction, supplemented by a center turn lane.‚ Additionally, bicycle lanes have been added to both sides of the roadway.
Center Street: This next area of road construction is currently underway.‚ Center Street is being repaved from Lynn Garden Drive to Fort Henry Drive.‚ Motorists particularly need to be aware of the section of Center Street between Clinchfield Street and Wateree Street where modifications to the lane markings will reduce the roadway from two motor vehicle traffic lanes in each direction to a single motor vehicle traffic lane in each direction, supplemented by a center turn lane.‚ Additionally, bicycle lanes will be added to both sides of the roadway.
Intersection of Center Street and Fort Henry Drive: Previously when traveling away from Downtown Kingsport on East Center Street toward Fort Henry Drive, one lane would continue straight on East Center Street and two lanes would veer to the right onto Fort Henry Drive.‚ This is basically being reversed, and now two lanes will continue straight on East Center Street with only one lane veering right onto Fort Henry Drive.
Lynn Garden Drive: Another area of road construction planned for this summer will occur on Lynn Garden Drive from Stone Drive to the Virginia state line.‚ This entire section will be repaved with no significant changes to traffic patterns; however, bicycle lanes will be added on both shoulders, except where on-street parking is allowed.
Stone Drive: The final area of road construction coming soon involves Stone Drive from Fairmont Avenue to Brookside Drive.‚ This entire section will be repaved with no significant changes to traffic patterns; however, bicycle lanes will be added on both shoulders.