Learn how to do simple meditative (expandist) drawing and coloring using the simplest of tools: pencil, drawing pens, colored pencils and sketch paper. Meditative drawing is a relaxation and creativity technique anyone who can write, print or draw simple shapes can use. Materials are small, non-messy and very portable. Students will learn to create their own meditative drawings that may also be colored if desired .All materials included.
Cost: $20
Workshop fee needs to be paid before the workshop. Please tell us which workshop you are registering for and your email.
You may register by direct message Impressions Fine Art or email ImpressionsFineArtGallery@gmail.com
Students, who want to pay online, please contact by direct message or email us at the above email; invoice will be emailed to you for easy payment.
Students, who would rather pay in-person, just need to go to Impressions Fine Art at 246 Broad Street, Kingsport. We are open Wednesday-Saturday from 11-5pm.