City Computer Maintenance to affect City Payments Temporarily
This maintenance has been rescheduled for next Friday, January 29th from 8:00 am to 9:00 am.
On Friday, January 29nd from approximately 8:00 am to 9:00 am, the Citys main computer system (IBM AS/400) will be temporarily out of service for maintenance. This will affect many areas of the City including the Customer Service Center at City Hall, the Citys website GovNow, the Citys Automated Phone Payment System (IVR), and Building Permits, to name a few.
The Citys Information Technology Department will be working quickly in order to have the system back online as soon as possible. While the downtime is estimated to be only one hour, it may be longer.
During this downtime, the Citys Customer Service Center at City Hall will continue operations.‚ However, services will be limited until the computer system is back online. The Customer Service Center will continue to accept payments from customers for property taxes, utility accounts and other payment types, but will only be able to issue handwritten receipts.
Customers coming to City Hall to make payments during this brief period of time are asked to make sure to bring a copy of their utility, tax or other statement so account information can be properly referenced on their handwritten receipt. Once the computer system is back online, all payments will be properly keyed and entered into the customers accounts.
We appreciate our citizens and customers cooperation and patience during this time and apologize for any inconvenience.