KINGSPORT ‚¬ During the month of October, Kingsport City Schools will be holding Walk to School Days at five elementary schools to encourage fitness and healthy lifestyle activities.‚ The events will take place before school and include members of both KCS and City of Kingsport Administration, including Mayor Dennis Phillips and Vice Mayor Tom Parham.
Jackson Elementary:‚ Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Meet at New Harvest Fellowship Church (617 Donelson Dr.) at 7:15 a.m.‚ The Jackson P.E. teacher will lead walkers in stretches and warm-up exercises before walking to school, where participating students will receive a prize pack.
Lincoln Elementary:‚ Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Meet in the Midland Center parking lot (1324 Midland Dr.) at 7:00 a.m.‚ The Lincoln P.E. teacher will lead walkers in stretches and warm-up exercises.‚ Walkers will proceed to Lincoln Elementary via Ft. Henry Drive to Center Street.‚ The Kingsport Police Department will provide extra patrols to ensure student safety.‚ All participating students will receive a prize pack after arriving at school.
Roosevelt Elementary:‚ Thursday, October 4, 2012
Walkers will meet at 7:15 a.m. at three locations surrounding Roosevelt.‚ Groups will walk from the office at Stone Crest Apartments (Model City), in front of the Laundromat on Fairview Avenue, and at a location on Lake St. that has yet to be determined.‚ Once arriving at school, students will receive a prize pack of various items. ‚ The Kingsport Police Department will be in the area to provide extra safety and supervision.
Jefferson Elementary:‚ Friday, October 12, 2012
Participants will meet in the Fuji House parking lot (1805 North Eastman Road) at 7:45 a.m.‚ The Jefferson P.E. teacher will lead walkers in warm-up exercises before walking to school via Eastman Road and Center Street.‚ Students will receive a prize pack once arriving at school.‚ Extra Kingsport Police Department officers will be present on Eastman Road to provide safety and supervision.
Kennedy Elementary:‚ Friday, October 26, 2012
Walkers will meet at Lynn Garden Baptist Church (301 May Ave.) at 7:30 a.m.‚ Tennessee Safe Routes to School Coordinator Ms. Diana Benedict will be present to help lead warm-up exercises with the Kennedy administration and P.E. teacher.‚ The Kingsport Police Department will be present for safety along Lynn Garden Drive.‚ After arriving at school, students will receive a prize pack.‚ All Kennedy students will also participate in a school-wide walk at 10:00 a.m., completing a lap around the outside of the school.‚ Mayor Dennis Phillips is scheduled to attend.
For more information, please contact Misty Keller, Kingsport City Schools Coordinated School Health Services Coordinator at (423) 378-2147.