KINGSPORT -‚ The Kingsport Police Department is pleased to announce our endorsement of the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) mobile smartphone application.
Citizens are relying less and less on newspapers, radio, television, and even desktop computers and more and more on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets for relevant and timely information.‚ In response to this trend, the TEMA ReadyTN application has been made available for download to both iPhone/iPad and Droid based smartphones and tablets.
According to TEMAs press release, Once active, ReadyTN will provide location-based information on severe weather, road conditions, open shelters, and government contacts.‚ Preparedness tips for specific hazards and checklists for emergency kit items are also provided in the applications content.
Emergencies and disasters come in many varieties, and they can be both natural and manmade.‚ Waiting to get ready until an event actually occurs is often too late.‚ The Kingsport Police Department encourages area residents to take advantage of this new technology being offered by TEMA to be prepared and stay informed should an emergency or disaster occur.
For more information on the ReadyTN application and on emergency preparedness, please visit www.tnema.org.
KINGSPORT – If you woke up to a fire in your home, how much time do you think you would have to get to safety? According to the nonprofit National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), one-third of Americans households who made and estimate they thought they would have at least 6 minutes before a fire in their home would become life threatening. Unfortunately, the time available is often less.
Thats why
In 2010,
One home structure fire was reported every 85 seconds in 2010 in the
The Kingsport Fire Department recommends the following tips for planning your familys escape:
The Kingsport Fire Department will be hosting activities at area schools during Fire Prevention Week to promote Have Two Ways Out! Through these educational, family-oriented activities, residents can learn more about the importance of fire escape planning and practice, as well as the power of prevention.
On Monday October 8, at 2pm the Sparky the Fire Dog will be at Batteries Plus in
On Tuesday October 9, the Kingsport Library will host Sparky the Fire Dog for Fire Prevention Fun for Children at 10:30am.
To find out more about Fire Prevention Week programs and activities in
Parks & Recreation would like to remind everyone that our registration for youth basketball is still in progress.
*Those eligible to participate must be children who are residents of the City of
*Parents or guardians must complete a registration form, which can be found on our website at www.kingsportparksandrecreation.org as well as in the Athletic Office at the Civic Auditorium (
Here are deadlines for the following age groups:
Pee Wee Boys (Ages 7-8): Deadline is Friday, October 12th @ 5:30pm
Pee Wee Girls (Ages 7-9): Deadline is Friday, October 12th @ 5:30pm
Midget Boys (9-10): Deadline is Friday, October 12th @ 5:30pm
Junior Girls (10-12): Deadline is Friday, October 12th @ 5:30pm
Junior Boys (11-12): Deadline is Friday, October 12th @ 5:30pm
Intermediate (13-14): Deadline is Friday, October 19th @ 5:30pm
Senior (15-17): Deadline is Friday, October 19th @ 5:30pm
If anyone has any questions regarding our youth basketball program or any other programs feel free to email or call us.
Follow this link to become a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/pages#!/pages/Kingsport-Parks-and-Recreation-Athletics/281672004692
KINGSPORT – Bells will ring from coast to coast as a grateful nation pauses on Sunday, October 7, to honor those firefighters who died in the line of duty in 2011. Fire departments and their places of worship will join the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) for the Second Annual Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters, part of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend in
“As the Memorial Service begins, the bells at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Chapel in Emmitsburg will ring to honor the memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in 2011,” said Chief Ronald J. Siarnicki, executive director of the NFFF. “We are encouraging firefighters across the country to invite their place of worship or other community group to join us with their own tribute to our fallen heroes.”‚
Nearly 100 fire departments participated in the first Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters in 2011. In addition, the United States Air Force 332nd Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, stationed at an undisclosed location in
For more information about participating in Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters please visit www.BellsAcrossAmerica.com.
KFD Contact for Bells Across America is Assistant Fire Marshal & KFD Chaplain Barry Carr he can be reached at 423-229-9440 or barrycarr@kingsporttn.gov
KINGSPORT – The City of Kingsport is seeking input from city utility customers on city utility bill payment options. City utility customers are those who are billed monthly by the City of Kingsport for water and sewer usage. All city utility customers are invited to participate in this brief 10 question survey and are strongly encouraged to submit suggestions to help improve customer payment options and overall customer satisfaction. The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete.
The survey questions Kingsport utility customers on issues from use of the Automated Phone Payment System, to thoughts on the possibility of the City providing an on-line internet option for payment of city utility bills and other city services. The survey is available online at www.kingsporttn.gov/utility-customer-survey and responses will be accepted until November 30, 2012. City staff appreciates your participation in this survey.
Interested in what’s on the Board of Mayor & Aldermen agenda? Sign up for our BMA Highlights.
Paying your utility, miscellaneous receivables bill or building permits payment has never been easier! Click the link below to be directed to Click2Gov, the online payment system that allows users to view their account and pay with a credit or debit card through the secure website.
Pay your red light citation bill online by clicking the button below. You will be redirected to the payment page.
Pay Water (Utility) Bill
Pay Red Light Citation
Pay City Court Citation
Pay Other Receivables
Online Tax Payments
Building Permit Payments
To report a non-emergency, please use the new ConnectKingsport app.
You can also use the app to find information about the City of Kingsport with links to the city website, animal services, ongoing events and more. Download the free app today to be a part of making Kingsport a great place to live, work and play!
To download the free app, please search for it on the Apple App Store or on Google Play. You can also use the online portal below.
Please note that the use of ConnectKingsport is intended for the reporting of non-emergency issues only. If you need immediate Police or Fire response, please call 911.
Download on the Apple App Store
Download on the Google Play Store
Online Portal