2010 Census Facts
Kingsport – It is time for the 2010 U.S. Census and your form will be coming to you
by U.S. mail in March.‚ Census Day is April 1, 2010.‚ On April 1st,
please take the time to fill out your Census and mail it back. ‚
Filling out your Census is very important to Kingsport.‚ Each
question helps to determine how more than $400 billion will be
allocated to communities across the country.‚ If you don’t participate,
then our community loses!‚
During 2007-2009, Kingsport received $4,700,000 in grants for arts,
farmer’s market, higher education, tree planting, riverfront
redevelopment, park enhancements, Greenbelt, and public safety.
New to the Census, the 2010 Census will have the efficient short
form Census.‚ The short form Census is the shortest in U.S. history!‚
The basic questions are: Who lives here? What are their names? What are
their ages? etc.‚ You don’t have to answer those personal questions
about income (unless you are randomly selected to receive the long
form). To view the short form questions please click here.
By filling out your Census information you are providing valuable
information that is used every day to help determine where state and
federal aid will be implemented.
Why participate? | • The Constitution calls for an enumeration or census every ten years. • Census information is vital to ensure accurate planning at all levels of government. • Census numbers are used at all levels of government to determine funding and grant allocation. • The number of Congressmen a state has depends on the population reported in the census. • Census statistics are used by leaders every day and it is a good way to tell them who you are and what you need. • Businesses use census numbers to help locate potential markets, and locate potential locations. • From 2007-2009, Kingsport received $4,700,000 in grants for arts, farmer’s market, Greenbelt, higher education, tree planting, riverfront redevelopment, park enhancements, and public safety. |
What you should know about Census 2010
10 QUESTIONS / 1O MINUTES: It’s that easy this year!
Feb-Mar: Census questionnaires are mailed or delivered to households
Mar-Apr: Census questionnaired are available at select public sites forindividuals who did not receive one by mail.
April 1, 2010: CENSUS DAY
May-Jul: Census takers visit households that did not return a questionnaire by mail
Dec 31: By law, the Census Bureau delivers population counts to the President
Mar 2011: By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states.
It’s in our hands!‚ Your community needs you to participate in Census 2010.‚
New for 2010, a short form Census — it’s the shortest in‚ U.S.
history!‚ The basic questions are: Who lives here? What are their
names? What are their ages?‚ etc.‚ You don’t have to answer those
personal questions about income (unless you are randomly selected to
receive the long form). View the short form questions here.
Each question helps to determine how more than $400 billion will be
allocated to communities across the country. If you don’t participate,
then our community‚ loses! During 2007-2009, Kingsport‚ received
$4,700,000 in grants for arts, farmer’s market,‚ higher education, tree
planting, riverfront redevelopment, park enhancements, Greenbelt, and
public safety.
The Census also determines your representation in Nashville and
Washington, DC by determining the number of citizens represented by a

For more information about the U.S. Census please click here.